We are a boutique public relations and marketing agency serving senior living and services.Public Relations, Content Marketing, Crisis Communication
IVY influences your prospects to buy, your referral sources to recommend, and your employees to value their jobs with organic marketing.
- Our content marketing includes unique and interesting media stories that boost employee and resident morale and add a custom tool to your sales toolbox.
- Social media posts reflect the character of the community and are relevant to your residents and the wider community.
- Need an employee recruitment/retention program? We build those.
- Bad reviews and posts, we know how to handle that and turn the sentiment in your favor.
Ready for a crisis?
We’ll help you plan for and choose the best communications strategies for success through our proprietary ResponderHub service.
If you need positive, organic influence that can’t be bought, IVY’s got you covered.

Skilled Experience, Forward Focus
Our boundless curiosity and lust for learning has sustained us for 30 years, enabling us to continually discover new marketing strategies for our clients and prospects. With diverse talent, rich storytelling, and a constant finger on the pulse of today’s ever-changing media landscape, IVY is uniquely poised to offer the best of seasoned experience and forward-thinking solutions.
IVY Marketing Receives Award…
IVY consistently wins awards for innovative solutions. This past year, IVY was recognized by Mature Media with a Silver Award for a story placed in Delaware and a Merit Award for a Chicago client’s marketing newsletter. Our annual reports, event invitations, and numerous programs and materials are recognized nationally.